After having to un-sew and re-sew one side of the border (yes, I had to take all of the blocks apart because I had sewn them together wrong), I finally finished Part 7 of Bonnie Hunter’s Unity mystery quilt from Spring 2020. I really think that it looks finished and I don’t believe that adding… Continue reading I’m calling it done
Short row shaping
I haven’t shared a photo of my Butterfly shawl in a while, though I’ve worked on it off and on since my last update. It is growing, and it has gotten too big to stretch out on this pair of needles, so this is just a portion of it. I think I’ve finally gotten the… Continue reading Short row shaping
Count and re-count
Just when I thought I had all of my blocks ready to piece together, I counted, then re-counted, and then counted again. I was missing one block. So I gathered up all of my completed blocks to figure out which color was missing a member, and it turned out to be yellow. I dove back… Continue reading Count and re-count
Lacy Mesh crochet shawl
When I was at one of my quilting groups in May, I was doing a little crochet. Anyone who knows me, knows it’s hard for me to sit still without doing something. I’ll often knit, or crochet, or take some English paper piecing along to work on during the meetings. One of the other members… Continue reading Lacy Mesh crochet shawl
Hearts quilt top finished
I have had the inner part of the quilt finished for a couple of weeks, and I’ve finally added the border. Now I have a new project to baste, quilt, and bind. I’m planning to quilt this one myself due to the size and nature of some of the blocks – there is applique, some… Continue reading Hearts quilt top finished