Sometimes I think one set of fabrics will work together, and once I get them cut out and ready to sew, they just really don’t. That was the case with this block. When I saw the original fabrics laid out, the block just fell flat, so it was back to the drawing board. For some… Continue reading Not the original concept
Author: Melissa
New quilt/sewing project
As I’ve been making the Sunshine and Shadow Starburst quilt blocks, I’ve been working with some of my woven plaid fabrics, and every time I do, I think of this jacket pattern. So I’ve finally resolved to make it. I’ve wanted to make a quilted/patchwork jacket for years, but I just haven’t set aside the… Continue reading New quilt/sewing project
Turnabout Granny Square finished
I got this back from the quilter a couple of weeks ago, but hadn’t had a chance to trim and bind it until this weekend. Part of that was because I had stacks upon stacks of things on my cutting table. So I cleared most of those things off and finally trimmed it and made… Continue reading Turnabout Granny Square finished
Month 5 Lady Tulip blocks
I noticed that Edyta released the month 5 blog post and video earlier this week, so I finally got some time yesterday to work on making my blocks for this month. Above is block 13. I’ve made units like those triangle ones before, so I managed to sew them all on the correct sides. I… Continue reading Month 5 Lady Tulip blocks
Cool Half City Sampler top complete
Another quilt top complete! This one is approximately 52″ by 66″ so it should be a good lap-size blanket. I feel like I should have completed this one ages ago, but it just got lost in the pile of projects. And of course, I keep adding new projects so the pile keeps growing. Nevertheless, I’m… Continue reading Cool Half City Sampler top complete