Crazy up close

But subtle from far away – that’s what this combination makes me think. The values of both color shades are pretty close. I’m still going through scraps and cutting and sorting, and this one called out to be made into an Arrowhead block. I started with the peachy fabric, and started going through my multicolor… Continue reading Crazy up close

A difference of thread weights

It isn’t something I really thought that much about until I started hand stitching the charm basket handles. I mean, I know thread weights affect how projects look when they are used as surface embellishment, as in cross stitch, needlework, embroidery, even quilting. But I hadn’t really considered that a 50wt thread vs. an 80wt… Continue reading A difference of thread weights

WIPGO a gone-gone again

While I worked on both projects for August (Sea Quilt and Plum Pudding), I didn’t put enough stitches into either one to merit a new photo and progress post. My focus is currently elsewhere, and all I can say is that I made it farther along this year than I did last year in keeping… Continue reading WIPGO a gone-gone again