I made two identical blocks again, just like last time. I’m making a light background and a dark background quilt, so I ended up with four of this block, 2 light and 2 dark.
Pieces needed for block 9:
- 1-3 1/2″ background square
- 2-3 7/8″ background squares, cut in half on the diagonal
- 2-3 7/8″ light (dark if making dark version) squares, cut in half on the diagonal
- 4-3 7/8″ medium squares, cut in half on the diagonal

I created half square triangle units from 4 medium-colored fabrics with the background fabric and 4 medium fabrics with the light (dark) fabrics.
Then I laid out my pieces in a nine-patch arrangement.

All that was left was to piece the nine-patches together. And that’s it for this block!