As the designer has said multiple times in his videos on this mystery shawl, “Say yes, don’t stress, ” and “Embrace your pace.” I’m to the point where I have to do just that. Life happens, and other things come up, and I figured it was a fluke that I was able to complete week… Continue reading Clue 2, section 5
Tag: shawls
Clue 1, section 4
Just finished in time for Clue 2 to drop, here are little i-cord loops. This is a very interesting and dimensional detail. I have no idea where this is going, but I hope that the shape continues in the half-circle style. I really like that style of shawl, and with as large as this is… Continue reading Clue 1, section 4
Clue 1, section 3
Section 3 is pretty cool with slipped stitches of one color that make a neat pattern on top of three other single-color knit sections. And here is a closeup of that patterning. Of course, the next section will be more challenging for me. While this single-ply yarn is so soft and yummy to feel and… Continue reading Clue 1, section 3
Clue 1, section 2
When this is blocked out, I’m assuming it will open up even a little bit more, but I’ve stretched it out a little to show the little pops of color hidden between what is my main “framing” color, Canyon. This is so squishy delightful with those purl rows popping to the front! The yarn is… Continue reading Clue 1, section 2
Tiny starts
This is part one of clue 1 for Shawlography. I’m currently working on part two – there are four parts total for the first clue, so I’ll try to take a picture of each step after I’ve finished it. This is upside down (well, I’m assuming, since it’s a mystery, and I don’t actually know)… Continue reading Tiny starts