When I showed CC the design (and possible color variations) I’m thinking of doing as an upcoming mystery quilt for my quilt club, he immediately picked his favorite. And I shouldn’t be surprised. After all, he wanted the Replicator Racing quilt to be all grays, dark and light. It was an excuse to go shopping.… Continue reading More black and gray
It needed something
When I showed off my Dream wallhanging quilt top to a couple of friends recently, they asked me if it was finished. I told them that the design didn’t have anything else, but we all agreed that it needed something more – something to finish it (and not just quilting and binding). So I came… Continue reading It needed something
And… a new start
I’ve had this on my wish list for a while now, and after the final scene in Wednesday night’s episode of The Chosen (season 2, episode 7), I decided it was the perfect time to start it. The design is The Lord’s Prayer by Sandy Orton. I bought the PDF chart from Kooler Design Studio,… Continue reading And… a new start
50 more blocks
I’ve shared the warm half city sampler blocks and quilt top previously, a collection of pinks, reds, corals, and oranges. Well, here’s the other half of the city sampler blocks that were done in cool colors – blues, purples, turquoises, and aquas. I finished them a couple of years ago. It’s time. I need to… Continue reading 50 more blocks
I finished a cross stitch project!
It’s not fully finished yet, but I put the finishing few stitches and backstitches into it last night, hooray! It still needs to be washed and pressed, of course. I’m thinking about finishing it into a pillow, if I find the right fabric to use for the “frame”. Or, I could just frame it if… Continue reading I finished a cross stitch project!