I ran out of sets to piece, so I’ve been pulling and cutting from the rainbow of scraps I was organizing. Just a few more sets to cut, then I should be able to zoom-zoom through the rest of the piecing of this section of the blocks. It was really hard to narrow down to… Continue reading Cutting sets
Category: Sewing
General sewing
Just a little test
I already had these pieces cut and ready to piece from back in 2022. As I was walking by my project boxes, Aunt Joe’s Afghan quilt seemed to jump out at me and want me to test to see if I can still sew a project with such small pieces. While it was a little… Continue reading Just a little test
Wanting to use already cut strips, if possible, I got sidetracked again by having to sort strips from multiple storage containers in order to determine whether I had enough of a particular strip/squares to complete a block. Side note: while I had sorted some of the smaller strip widths previously, I had never sorted this… Continue reading Sidetracked
Home Retreat
Since I retired at the beginning of the year, it feels like I’m on a really long quilting retreat at home. I get up and exercise and stretch, eat and do my morning devotional, then attend to anything that needs my attention (getting everything in order is a longer process than you might think). And… Continue reading Home Retreat
Sewing four-patches
The snow we’ve had this week has been the perfect complement to making the billion four-patches I need for my Sand Castles quilt. I gathered all of the ones I’d previously made and hid in my scrap bin, then I began sorting out some of the newer neutrals I’ve just been throwing into the bin… Continue reading Sewing four-patches