I went to the Lebanon Piecemakers’ quilt meeting Monday to give away some of the cross stitch and quilting supplies that I had pulled from my sewing room over the past week.
When I arrived, I met Glynda, who had mentinoed she would love to have some of the English Paper Piecing supplies that I was giving away. She joined the quilt group not long after I had stopped attending. She had missed out on doing the mystery quilt I had created for the group the previous year, but was able to get the parts from another member, and she made one for herself. She even brought it to show me. I was so touched. Her quilt is beautiful!
Then I had to pick my jaw up off the floor – her rendition of my design was chosen to be the logo quilt for the Quilting Bees’ Quilts in the Boro 2024! I got to see it again today (on display this time), and Glynda graciously agreed to a photo with me. What a treat!
Her quilting is amazing, and I love the colors and fabrics she chose. I’m thrilled she decided to participate even after the quilt-along was over. I’ve been blessed to have seen so many beautiful colorways of my design.
Here was my original which I quilted.

And these are the other two versions that I made (which I still need to quilt!).