Over the last few weeks, I’ve slowly worked on piecing the rail fence round of the deconstructed disappearing pinwheel quilt. Over the weekend, I pieced the right and top sides Of the rail fence section to the middle.

And today I took a vacation day and worked some more on it. I finished piecing the bottom rail fence section and added it, completing the round. I also started piecing the outer section of half-square triangles. I’ve finished the left side, but haven’t attached it yet.

And for as much as I’ve avoided buying stuff, I watched a video with Lori Holt, a tour of her sewing room, and was wowed by all her pretty colors. I looked up some of her fabrics and couldn’t resist. They will be the perfect additions as background prints in some of my scrappy quilts. The top left two remind me of sheets we had when I was a child. There are some dressmaking/pattern designs, sewing terms and diagrams on a couple others, cursive letter-writing from second or third grade, and an embroidery design reproduction print. The colorful floral print top center right was just too pretty not to include. So, happy mail for me today.