Back in November/December of last year, I began reorganizing my sewing space. At first I thought I would lay four organizers on their sides, stack them two by two, and put them together to make one large organizer that I could also use to replace a cutting table that didn’t make great use of the small space that I have. I decided at that time to not put them all together, instead having two separate areas: one for pressing, and one for cutting. I could still use my ironing board if necessary.

At the time, I also added a cat tree for the kitties so they could have a dedicated space in front of the windows (and perhaps not be as inclined to get into everything else in the sewing room all of the time).

Fast forward five months. The smaller cutting area just isn’t working for me like I thought it would. I really need that space, especially when cutting bias binding (like I need to do for the 3 quilts I have gotten back from my quilter that need to be bound in order to be finished).
After musing about it for a few days, I decided to get back in there and change it up a bit.

I moved the organizers side by side so I could get my big cutting mat back out and put on top to use for bigger things. For the time being, I also put my smaller mats on top of it.

I had another solid SewEzi table that I wasn’t using – but it was a better height for machines that I can’t use in the table with the insert area than the sewing desk I had. I’ve modded the sewing desk, but it has leaves that open, and isn’t really conducive to the space. Plus, there is only one vent for heat and air conditioning, and the where I had the sewing desk didn’t allow for good air flow – it’s either freezing in the winter or hot in the summer, since I don’t keep this room open when I’m not in it. So, I moved the SewEzi table over to the right, and put the other one to its left. That should also give me some space when I need to bind or quilt something larger.

I didn’t want to get rid of the sewing desk – I use the drawers full of stuff, and it’s a good little desk. So I moved it to the end of the organizers, adn put the Sizzix die cutter on it. That frees up more of my cutting space and makes good use of that desk top.

I still have more organizing to do. I never finished reorganizing my fabrics by color – I got about halfway, and then I just had to sew. Well, it’s time to do it. If I don’t make myself now, I’ll keep getting distracted by other projects. Then I need to make and attach binding, work on the skirts some more, and make more paper pieced triangles for a swap I’m doing with a group of quilters. Then this, then that, then the other… so much to do!