Making new flowers

I started pulling out fabrics to make new flowers for my Grandmother’s Flower Garden quilt last night. Everything was going along fine until I realized that I couldn’t my background off-white fabric. I only have a few background pieces cut and basted for continuing the second half, so I definitely needed to make more.

I searched my project bag, then the storage bin holding my 30s fabrics. Then all my other fabric storage bins (especially the ones with solids and neutrals). I searched everywhere. Or so I thought. An hour and a half later, I finally found it. Where was it? At the bottom of the closet, on the floor, buried beneath several project bags. Whew! I was panicked for a bit, thinking that maybe I had accidentally thrown it out, given it away, or used it thinking it was muslin, and trying to think of how in the world I would match that off-white if I couldn’t find it.

All’s well that ends well. I may have lost some time while searching, but I’m so glad to have found it so I can make the background hexies I’ll need to continue the quilt without an obvious change in color (or searching to find and purchase more of that shade).


  1. Since I’ve done over half the quilt thread basting, I’ll continue with that here. Any new quilts with EPP will be glue basted, for certain!

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