No more Diamond Pops

I was originally thinking of making this quilt from the Sun Print 2016 Quilt design, and using Tula Pink prints from a variety of her fabric lines. Part of the WIPGO 2021 process for me is touching all of these older projects and making sure that they line up with current goals and objectives. I’ve… Continue reading No more Diamond Pops

Mojito Shawl

I started the Mojito Shawl (by BooKnits) in July 2017. I used a lace weight BFL/silk blend in a gorgeous aqua/teal shade. I knit on it pretty regularly throughout that year and into the next. In June 2018 I finished all of the knitting – it was so pretty on the needles. And then I… Continue reading Mojito Shawl

Lighthouse update

Since I have worked on this project a bit since the last update, and it’s one that I’ll be focusing on this month, here’s a little update to show where I am at the beginning of the month. It’s coming along nicely.