Shawlography finished

I’ve washed and blocked it (not aggressively), and it’s probably the largest shawl I’ve made to date. I’m looking forward to wearing it. I’ll probably wear something very plain to really show off the shawl. Here’s a little closer view of a slice of the shawl from top to bottom.

My Shawlography border

I’m only about one-third through binding off the border, but this is how I decided to do it. It’s a horizontal striping section with the lightest color as background using the three middle colors, followed by a slightly modified “chevron shenanigans”section from the Exploration Station shawl, using the darkest color. I then decided to use… Continue reading My Shawlography border

Clue 3, section 10

Since the shawl has now been revealed, I’m going to just post the rest of the updates without an image hiding the spoilers. It has taken me quite a while to finish section 10. There are over 400 stitches on the needles now, and the brioche knitting in this section takes a while for me… Continue reading Clue 3, section 10