While I was having brunch with a friend on Friday, I managed to finish sewing together the fourth of the red hexie blocks for Over the Rainbow. There are only three more of these to make for this entire quilt! My first block was completed in May 2013, so I’ve been working on this one… Continue reading 4 down, 3 to go
Tag: hexies
Red 3 of 7
It’s a little over a year since I began piecing together my first of seven red hexie blocks for the Over the Rainbow quilt, and I’ve just finished the third block to the point before the borders. I counted up the remaining basted hexies, and realized that I needed six more. Seems I’m recounting a… Continue reading Red 3 of 7
Red block 2
This is one of those quilt blocks that I can pick up easily and add a hexagon or two at lunch, in waiting rooms, or just hanging out with friends at a quilt group meeting. I’ve finally finished hand piecing the second of 7 pieces using red fabrics. Just 5 more to go in this… Continue reading Red block 2
Well, I finally finished sewing together the hexies for the first of seven red blocks. My English Paper Piecing has been slow going this year, as with everything else it seems. I really like how this one looks, and know that it will nicely complement the quilt blocks I’ve already made when I add the… Continue reading Red!
Making new flowers
I started pulling out fabrics to make new flowers for my Grandmother’s Flower Garden quilt last night. Everything was going along fine until I realized that I couldn’t my background off-white fabric. I only have a few background pieces cut and basted for continuing the second half, so I definitely needed to make more. I… Continue reading Making new flowers