I really want to get the cutting part of my Straits of Mackinac quilt finished so I can concentrate on piecing (and put away the gobs and gobs of fabric pieces that are currently strewn around the sewing room!). On Sunday I managed to get almost half of the “recs” pairs I need to have… Continue reading Cutting for days
Knit skirt update
I’ve been working off and on knitting on my skirt, and I’ve just started the last full panel before the last godet before the side panel. The full panels are great knitting when the brain needs a rest – just plain knitting back and forth, no increases or decreases, no short rows, and virtually no… Continue reading Knit skirt update
Border beginning
I’m always amazed by how much backstitching can bring a piece to life. Before I added the backstitching to this small section of the border, it was a big blob of mush. Now it is beautiful. I plan to backstitch each section as I stitch it. That way, I see real progress and don’t leave… Continue reading Border beginning
4 down, 3 to go
While I was having brunch with a friend on Friday, I managed to finish sewing together the fourth of the red hexie blocks for Over the Rainbow. There are only three more of these to make for this entire quilt! My first block was completed in May 2013, so I’ve been working on this one… Continue reading 4 down, 3 to go
Wreath for a neighbor
The other day, one of our neighbors stopped by, and she complimented me on the patriotic Fold n Stitch wreath I had hanging on our front door, so I decided to make her one. I actually like this one better than the one I made for us (but I love them both). I just think… Continue reading Wreath for a neighbor