There are some times when you just seem to be making slow progress on things, and the time seems to fly by so quickly. May has been one of those months. I looked up and it was May 28. I have no idea where the time went, but I feel like I haven’t really accomplished… Continue reading Slow progress
Seraphina, round 17
The Seraphina doily has changed its look again, with the larger open areas and some more bobbles. This really has been a lot of fun to watch develop. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed crocheting doilies. I have seen some very striking finished photos of others’ Seraphina doilies made with multiple, instead of single,… Continue reading Seraphina, round 17
Just call me fickle
Instead of working on projects that are scheduled for this month, which I chose at the beginning of the year, I’ve been working on other things. And I decided to start a new cross stitch project. Regarding my hobbies, I can plan and declare all day long. And I can start those plans. And I… Continue reading Just call me fickle
Shhh… don’t tell
But my mind is percolating with a new mystery quilt idea for my quilt group. I’m thinking January 2022, running around 10 months or so. I’ve got too much else going on at the moment to get it designed, tested, and written any sooner. But for those in my quilt group who have been whispering… Continue reading Shhh… don’t tell
Seraphina round 10
It’s so interesting to watch a doily develop. Just five more rounds, and it already looks much different from the beginning. The doilies I’ve done up until now have had many combinations of single, double, treble, and double treble crochets. I believe this is the first doily I’ve encountered with things like front post and… Continue reading Seraphina round 10