I got Peaks and Valleys back from the quilter a couple of weeks ago, but was focused on my quilted jacket until now. I finally picked out the fabric I wanted to use for the binding, and I think this print (Tick Tock Stripe from 2016’s Chipper collection) is one of my favorites for that.… Continue reading Peaks and Valleys
Category: Sewing
General sewing
Charm Baskets 2-5
I am really getting a kick out of making these. It’s fun to watch the fabric turn into baskets, and then it’s really enjoyable to hand appliqué the fused handles to the background. I recently bought some more colors of thread at a Hobby Lobby 50% off sale too, so I should have colors that… Continue reading Charm Baskets 2-5
Afghan quilt square 4
After finishing the jacket, I decided to make my fourth little afghan quilt square. I happened to be moving around some piles of scraps, and started with the gold print first. I found a little piece of the light blue next, and then decided to round it out with the darker blue scrap. I cut… Continue reading Afghan quilt square 4
Tree-mendous Jacket finished
Well, that was an adventure. But it’s done, and it’s cozy (of course, it’s also still hot summer here). In putting it all together, there were a couple of things that didn’t go as smoothly as I’d have liked. Sewing around the curves of the neck were a bear because of the bulk. In the… Continue reading Tree-mendous Jacket finished
Almost ready to put together
I didn’t have as much time this weekend to really work on anything, as I spent the afternoons at my brother’s helping him organize and re-organize some of the stuff in his house. We got a lot accomplished, so we felt really good about it. But in between that and all the other usual weekend… Continue reading Almost ready to put together