So, what happened?

Long story short—I got sick the day after Thanksgiving, tested positive for COVID, thought I had a really lengthy ocular migraine the following Monday, and when I woke up Tuesday, I could barely see – I had huge scotomas (areas of blocked vision) in both eyes. I was finally able to get in to the… Continue reading So, what happened?

Hello? Is this thing on?

just checking in, because I haven’t been able to post in a long time. I got sick right after Thanksgiving and began experiencing some major vision problems. The eyesight is slowly—very slowly—improving, but I expect that it will take several more months before I’m back up to speed. I’m looking forward to getting better, and… Continue reading Hello? Is this thing on?

Shadow and Leia

My couch companions last night… I don’t get to see them snuggle like this often, but I love it when they do. Leia really loves her big sister Shadow.

A different retreat

I attended a retreat with about 50 women from my church over the past weekend, and I really enjoyed it. It was really nice to get to know several of them a little better. We spent Friday night sitting around a bonfire, and after about an hour of just chatting, someone began singing hymns. We… Continue reading A different retreat

Non-craft reading

I used to be an avid, even voracious, reader, mostly of genre fiction (science fiction, fantasy, romance, mystery). For several years now, however, I just haven’t read many books. Most of the fiction books I try to pick up now fail to capture my attention for longer than a few pages. During that time I… Continue reading Non-craft reading