Tissue paper from gifts – my husband was getting ready to throw away some from several retirement gifts he received last weekend. I grabbed them before he could complete the motion and mentioned that I could reuse or recycle them. And yes, I could absolutely reuse them as tissue paper in future gifts. But I was thinking of something else entirely (being a quilter, and working on string blocks most recently).

I pressed them (they were well-wrinkled where they had been balled up), and then cut them to the same size I’ve been using for the string blocks in the Sand Castles quilt. I’m looking forward to trying them out, and I think they’ll be even easier to tear away from the seams once the blocks are ready to piece together. I actually got the idea from the Missouri Star Quilting – their 10″ Paper Piecing Squares that I purchased a few years ago. The paper is almost like tissue paper.
I’ve been on vacation this week – my final week of vacation before my retirement too. And so I’ve finally had the time to do what I’ve been wanting to do since I tried my first batch of “Grammy Rolls” – my second batch!

These turned out a little nicer than the first batch, and I expect I’ll get better as I practice. I spent a little time with my mom a few months ago watching her (and helping her a little) make a half-batch, and I’m eager to try a full batch in the future. These are great with meals or as sandwich rolls. I also want to try my hand at some sourdough bread, for which I have the ingredients to make a sourdough starter (soon).

I ran out of bobbin thread in my regular piecing machine, and I’d nearly ran out of full bobbins to replace it quickly, so I spent a little time today winding a few more bobbins to refill my stock.

Today was another relaxing day full of activities. Morning exercises and devotional, then a quick trip out to pick up new litter boxes for the kitties and a quart size Ball Mason jar (for that sourdough starter). After that, a nice visit with a friend at our local Panera catching up and knitting a bit, a tiny bit of sewing when I got home, then dinner and some online video gaming with a friend. Meanwhile, my husband has been catching up on some sleep, playing video games including racing sims, and generally taking it easy after a lifetime of hard physical work.
Tomorrow we’re hosting board game night with some friends, and I’m hoping to make some cookies before they arrive, along with completing the Saturday housework. Retirement and we seem to be getting along well so far!