I finally reclaimed the yarn from the abandoned Twists and Turns shawl that I had started knitting last Fall. Once I saw the entire shawl, I knew I didn’t want to finish it, so I set it aside to deal with later.
I plan to use the darker of the two neutrals in some Tea at Downton socks. I’ve just finished knitting the ribbing in a yarn that I had originally started for the Stonecrop Cardigan, but decided it was not the right fit for that sweater (and thus, reclaimed that as well). These two yarns together are the same yarn base, so they should work very well together in this pattern.

I’m also working on another pair of socks called Crunkled socks, one of which is finished except for weaving in the ends. I thought I was really close to finishing them when I compared the second sock to the first. Somehow, in addition to missing a whole section of the pattern repeat, I had shortened the leg of the second one by almost an inch! So, it was time to rip, rip, rip, and re-knit from that section to correct both the pattern and the length. Yes, these are for me, and if it wasn’t that noticeable, I’d just leave it, but it was really noticeable, and I’d just berate myself every time I went to wear them if I didn’t fix it now.

And actually, the yarn for these was reclaimed from another sock pattern that just wasn’t a good combination of pattern and yarn, in my opinion. The pooling/striping of the variegated dyed yarn was really evident, and I just didn’t like it at all. I may try the Velvet Sky socks pattern again someday with a semi-solid or solid color yarn.

I’ve also been knitting, and ripping, and knitting on my Bits and Bobs cowl. I tried to start this thing, oh, about 10 different times (not joking). I would get it started, and then drop stitches, or miss where I was supposed to knit or purl below the stitch, or get completely off in the pattern. It shouldn’t be that hard, but with my vision as it is (and even with a magnifier), this one has almost driven me mad.

But I really wanted to make this cowl, in these rainbow mini-skeins (colorway: Eevolution, which was inspired by the Pokémon Eevee in their rainbow of colors). I played Pokemon X for a short while several years ago, and wanted to make this cowl to wear that would be colorful like them.

It uses two strands of fingering weight yarn held double in a fisherman’s rib stitch. That makes it thick and squishy, but also makes it a bear to fix when you make a mistake. And actually, I have several mistakes in one section that you can’t see in this photo, but I figure that when I’m wearing it, no one will be able to see them either, they’ll just see the beauty of the pretty yarns and pattern together. I have a couple more colors and then ending with double white (undyed) yarn as at the bottom.
And as I gathered the links for this post, I realized that I’ve been knitting a whole lot of Bakery Bears (Kay Jones) patterns lately. She and her husband have a lovely video show, and I enjoy them a lot!