Adventuresome Wrap

In December, I decided to treat myself to a mystery advent set of 20g mini-skeins. I’d never done something like that before, and watching several folks opening theirs each day was such fun that I wanted to try it for myself.

After a disastrous attempt at a different wrap (where stitches were dropped, patterns were way off, and the whole thing was finally frogged after about 5 of the mini-skeins), I went looking for a different (simpler, yet still with a pretty design) pattern.

I found this one, the Adventuresome Wrap by Ambah O’Brien, and decided to use the same yarn for the contrasting color as I have been using in one of my crochet blankets (Variegated Ripple Scrapghan). I may or may not continue that blanket, but I’ll save that decision for later.

Over the last several months, I’ve worked on it off and on, taking it to various Sit and Sew events and other get-togethers. The pattern was fairly easy to memorize after a few color changes.

I completed the knitting about a month ago, but I hadn’t finished weaving in the ends. The first attempt at weaving in ends was extremely arduous with my eyesight and the 5x magnifying lamp. Once I got the 10x magnifying lamp, it was a little better, but not easy or quick. But I persevered over several days. The ends woven in are not as nice or as invisible as they once were for me, but I’ve decided that finished is better than perfect.

And you can’t really see them if I wear it right side out, and you’re not looking for them as someone who is not a knitter. 🙂

P.S. I made a sock scraps granny square for each one that I put in the wrap. I haven’t added them to my blanket yet, but I was able to make some with the help of my magnifying lamp. Along with a few others previously crocheted, here’s my stack awaiting their completion.


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