Quilt top finish

I had a very successful quilting retreat with a few girlfriends in Georgia the last week of April. I began working on the blocks, and finally finished them on Tuesday or Wednesday. Then I planned out how I would put the quilt together, because the thing is so large that my normal building it in rows just didn’t seem feasible.

I decided on quarters instead. I began in the upper right (call me crazy, but I piece from right to left). Then I pieced the upper left, followed by lower right and lower left. I pressed each of the seams so that they would nest when pieced to each other.

I’m so grateful that I was able to finish sewing all of the blocks and then put them all together. I have backing fabric that I just need to piece and then I can take it to my quilter. I also got a binding fabric that I think will work with this quilt. I think my brother is really going to love it.


  1. It’s beautiful! Glad you had a great time with friends and that you are making quilts again!

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