I’ve had the blocks for the cool version of the Half City Sampler quilt completed for a while now, and decided to finally get them out and see how I wanted to arrange them.
I knew I wanted to do a 6 by 8 block layout, which would leave two blocks left over, since I had made 50 blocks in this colorway. I’ll probably put those into a different sampler quilt when it’s all said and done – I have a stack of extra blocks and pieces from a variety of quilts made over the years.
While the random arrangement would probably have worked fine, I decided to move them around, sort of in color families. And I decided I liked this layout much better.

I plan to use sashing strips and squares similar to how I did in the Warm City Sampler quilt, but I’ve only cut enough for the interior of the quilt this time. I’ll have to see if I want to cut more for the ‘frame’ or if I prefer to do something different to border it.
Looking forward to your progress.