Omigosh! quilt

I couldn’t help myself. Once I get an idea in my head, I have to try it, just to see how difficult and time-consuming it is or will be.

It isn’t really all that difficult, if you just cut and sew accurately. The first time I put together the lime green block, I used big, plain white alternate squares. Then I realized that was not how the block was supposed to look. It was pretty, but it was not the block in this quilt. So I went back and looked at my instructions (always a good idea, and for some reason, something I keep forgetting to do more recently).

Then I pieced those little four-patches and added their triangles to make them tiny squares-in-a-square units. I took out all of the seams of the shoo fly block I’d made and put it back together with the new units for the modified shoo fly. Yes, that’s how it’s supposed to look!

Then I set out making the tiny nine-patch units that were pieced into the bigger nine-patch block. As I saw someone else do with their blocks, here is a dime on that block for scale!

I’m using the same fabric as the background for all of my blocks. This quilt just felt like it would need that cohesive piece, since it will be so scrappy otherwise. I also wanted to use a white on white print, so I could use even the lighter prints from my scraps and not have them disappear into/fight with the background.

I’m still cutting scraps from that fabric bin, but it’s down to less than half full now.


  1. I am amazed at your close work!! Also, love the colors and background fabric. But–oh!!–when one looks at that block and sees the dime! really, really appreciate your skill and love. Gorgeous. Yes! you have to complete this quilt–in my lifetime!

    1. Yes! It’s of course what I want to work on now. But I’m still committed to doing some piecing of those Peaks and Valleys blocks too. So much to do, so little free time. I can’t wait for you to see them in person!

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