Two more blocks

I went ahead and put together the two additional blocks that I had cut out for what I’ve been calling the sunshine and shadow leaf pattern. I’m still not sure if this quilt block actually has a name, because I’ve looked online and in my Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns, and I have not come across anything that exactly matches it. The closest I came to it was a combination of a duck’s foot in the mud or bear’s paw, but neither of those really match the coloring pattern of this. I might just rename it to sunshine and shadow starburst, because it does seem to have the feel of something bursting out from the center.

And of course, I’ve just noticed that I swapped the wrong background fabrics in the lower left corner of each of the blocks – ah, well. I guess as ye sew, so shall ye rip. I’ll be fixing that before moving on.

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