Stonecrop Cardigan

Here’s a project I started late last year. I wanted to knit another cardigan, and the idea of crocheted bobbles inside a knitted sweater was irresistible.

This sweater not only has those crocheted bobbles, but surrounding them are tiny cables, and there is colorwork throughout the design. My colorwork is not the best – I have trouble with yarn dominance in some of the rounds, but I’m not going to sweat it. I doubt anyone will come up to me and examine my sweater and tell me I need to work on that aspect of it, ha!

When I picked it up this month to work on it, I had started the third section of the colorwork design. My goal was to complete that and work through the second section of bobbles, and I just completed that Tuesday evening. I should be ready to start the next section of colorwork the next time I pick it up. It’s hard to get a great photo at this point, but I think the bobbles show off nicely here.

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