Maybe it’s because I’ve been working with my 1930’s reproduction fabrics for the Unity quilt. Maybe it’s because I haven’t touched this project since 2017. Either way, I felt the urge to get my Grandmother’s Flower Garden out to work on for a little bit.

I want to make sure I’ll have all the fabrics I’ll need for the remaining flowers, so I think I’ll work on cutting those hexagons out soon. I have a few in a box for the current flower rows, and I plan to go ahead and baste the others so they’ll just be ready to go when I get back to sewing them together.

I need to go ahead and move those plastic templates in the top row out of the box so I’ll have plenty of room for my new basted hexagons. Those were “Quilt Patis” by Pati Shambaugh. I started out using them to baste, and completed about half the quilt with them. Cumulatively they were quite heavy, and I began struggling with the weight of the quilt edges (the interiors were removed as they were joined on all sides). So mid-quilt, I decided to switch over to paper templates. Even though they are much thinner than plastic templates, I think difference shouldn’t be noticeable. I plan to sew the two halves together after I complete the second half, for manageability.