I pulled out all of my blocks from the past and chose a set from the blocks I had made to put this quilt together as a charity quilt. I still have about 10 blocks leftover, and I’ll probably save those to put into some other “leftovers” quilts in the future. Another one done, and… Continue reading Blocks from the Past
Tag: sampler quilt
Sampler Path finished!
The binding (black on black) about did me in, but after re-sewing about 7 or 8 different areas, I double-checked all around, and everything is stitched securely. Leia has tried to claim the quilt, so CC may have a fight ahead of him if he wants to actually use it himself. And I really love… Continue reading Sampler Path finished!
Lady Tulip
I have been taking a short break from my mystery quilt to do a few different things. Life, in general, seems to have gotten busy, even though I’m not really doing much. I’ve gotten three quilts back from my quilter recently, so I’m working on trimming and binding them all. Here is the first of… Continue reading Lady Tulip
Lady Tulip quilt top
I concentrated on piecing the blocks together, and before I knew it, my quilt top was almost done. All that was left was to cut and piece the final outer border, so I went ahead and did that too. It feels good to get another quilt off the tables. Of course, then I decided to… Continue reading Lady Tulip quilt top
Meanwhile, Lady Tulip
While I was waiting for my fabric to arrive, I decided to pull out another quilt I was working on before Thanksgiving. I’ve begun piecing together the blocks into the quilt. I thought I’d start with the middle section, since it has the larger center piece. Once I piece the entire middle section together, I’ll… Continue reading Meanwhile, Lady Tulip