I have managed to get a little more piecing done on my Straits of Mackinac blocks. I did the upper right in pairs first, and finished those at the end of September. Then I started on the middle right pairs, and finished them on Friday. Saturday I managed to finish the bottom right pairs. Next… Continue reading Block Progress
Using Incentives
There is a bit of monotony to the Straits of Mackinac color palette and putting its blocks and sashing together that I find myself wanting to play with other projects at the moment. But I really do want to finish it! So, I’m playing games, trying to find ways around the boredom, and using incentives… Continue reading Using Incentives
More bobbles and colorwork
I’m thoroughly enjoying this knitting at the moment. Every time I sit down to watch or listen to something, I want to pull it out and work on it. So I do! I finally tried it on (I know, it’s a little late, but I was curious about how long (or short) the cardigan is… Continue reading More bobbles and colorwork
Chateau Hexagon block 6
It has probably been over a year since I worked on this project. I had started block 6, but hadn’t made much progress on it until I got it back out Saturday and began working on it during a small quilt group get-together. This block is called “The Flower Patch.” It will have a watering… Continue reading Chateau Hexagon block 6
My Flock of Sheep Skirt
Forgive the black t-shirt, bare legs, dirty mirror, and poor lighting, but I just had to share my finally finished skirt! I love how it swishes around my legs. It feels so comfortable. And the weather is starting to turn toward autumn, so it will be really nice to wear very soon.