Wanting to demonstrate how helpful this app is without sharing the pattern (because of copyright), I’ve snipped out just a tiny portion of the way I’m using KnitCompanion for another one of my cross stitch charts – the Winter’s Glow project that I recently found. I hadn’t stitched a lot of it before I “lost”… Continue reading Even better
One of Clue 7
I still haven’t finished clue 6, but I wanted to go ahead and get at least one of clue 7 done so that I could have it for reference for making all of the others. And this is the two blocks so far, side by side. We still have quite a few units yet unused,… Continue reading One of Clue 7
MAP of a kitty cave
I started to work on the Mysterious Adventure Project the other evening, and immediately Luke jumped up and dove underneath it. He seems to think that most of my projects should be kitty caves. You can just see that he doesn’t quite fit, but I’m not sure he knows that. My rather lofty goal for… Continue reading MAP of a kitty cave
Fingerless gloves pair 3
Well, after the cast-on photo, I didn’t take another until I finished the pair and presented them to CC. He’s very happy to have his new pair of fingerless gloves to wear, since it has turned cold again.
Found a forgotten project
That’s right. I completely forgot I had started this project. It was probably sometime in 2020 that I began it. That’s a little embarrassing. It was tucked away in between all my big projects. It’s possible that I might actually have a cross stitch finish in 2022. This one isn’t on my WIPGO board, but… Continue reading Found a forgotten project