This was my only assigned cross stitch project for the month of April, and I made some pretty good progress on it during the first half of the month. I didn’t add any beads this time, because I’m trying to work in a set of Q-Snaps, and they are not bead-conducive at all. I’ll just… Continue reading Plum Pudding progress
Knitting my skirt
After much deliberation, I pulled this project back out of the closet on April 19. I don’t think I ever took a photo when I finished side 1, so here that is. I’m almost halfway through knitting side 2, which has the same colors, but in a different order. I’ll take a photo of that… Continue reading Knitting my skirt
One Scrappy Cat
I managed to get one new scrappy cat block completed in April. I thought I might get more than one paper pieced, but I’ve had so many other things going on that I ran out of time to work on it more than that. I currently have it hanging on my design wall, so it… Continue reading One Scrappy Cat
Socks and more socks
Most of the knitting projects I currently have in progress are ones that require a bit of concentration. That isn’t a great idea for when I need to have something to work on while riding in the car. So what’s a girl to do? Start a new pair of socks or two, or three. I… Continue reading Socks and more socks
Lottery blocks
I won the lottery block swap at my quilt group a couple of years ago. For the longest time, I had no idea how I wanted to put them together, so I set them aside. As I was going through some stuff this weekend, I pulled the blocks out, pressed them off and put them… Continue reading Lottery blocks