Yeah, I totally either overestimated how much I could get done before my week off to sew with friends, or I underestimated how long it would take to get the basic units sewn. I originally thought (a couple of months ago) that I would have all of the units ready to put together into blocks… Continue reading Under- or over-estimating
Category: Sewing
General sewing
Then I went off the rails
I saw a quilt that someone posted on social media in late 2019 that I thought was really pretty. I mocked up the block from that quilt in EQ7 at the time, but didn’t see any mention of the designer or quilt name, so it’s just been an unknown scrappy block that I’ve had printed… Continue reading Then I went off the rails
Think I’ve finished cutting
Whew! I believe I’ve finally finished cutting all of the pieces I need to piece together all of the units for my Straits of Mackinac quilt. Now the real work can begin. I’m also thinking I need something a little less challenging to work on when I get frazzled with this one, and I don’t… Continue reading Think I’ve finished cutting
Cutting for days
I really want to get the cutting part of my Straits of Mackinac quilt finished so I can concentrate on piecing (and put away the gobs and gobs of fabric pieces that are currently strewn around the sewing room!). On Sunday I managed to get almost half of the “recs” pairs I need to have… Continue reading Cutting for days
4 down, 3 to go
While I was having brunch with a friend on Friday, I managed to finish sewing together the fourth of the red hexie blocks for Over the Rainbow. There are only three more of these to make for this entire quilt! My first block was completed in May 2013, so I’ve been working on this one… Continue reading 4 down, 3 to go