This is the original fabric line that spurred me to make the most recent set that I’ve been working on. Fortunately, I had the darker greens, and my local fabric shop still had some of the coordinating fabrics. I chose a lighter colorway of the flower print for the interior.
Category: Sewing
General sewing
One of Clue 7
I still haven’t finished clue 6, but I wanted to go ahead and get at least one of clue 7 done so that I could have it for reference for making all of the others. And this is the two blocks so far, side by side. We still have quite a few units yet unused,… Continue reading One of Clue 7
A part 6 block
I really like that Bonnie is not saving making the blocks until the very last clue. Seeing the block develop is so much more motivating. And it’s very pretty too!
New project bag
I’ve been lugging around my Alpine Seasons Mandala cross stitch project out in the open (not in a project bag, which is dangerous, because cats), with the floss, beads, scissors, and other paraphernalia on top of the fabric. All of my existing cross stitch project bags are currently in use for other projects. So I… Continue reading New project bag
Finishing part 5
I finally got caught up with Clue 5. Bonnie said it was an easy clue, but it was pretty involved, since you have to sew all of the units as big half square triangles, then turn around and do some more cutting and piecing with all those units. But I managed to get it done… Continue reading Finishing part 5