In between sewing pink alternate blocks, I sometimes feel the need to give myself a color break. My mom gave me some leftover scraps from her Twilight in the Garden quilt, and some were actually big enough to make an Aunt Beulah’s Arrowheads block. I just pulled out some darker green scraps from my own… Continue reading Playing around with scraps
Category: Sewing
General sewing
More off the trail blocks
I’ve gotten five of my alternate-alternate blocks made, and I’ve been making “kits” of the rest. I still have a little trimming to do of some units, then I can sew, sew, sew. I think I’m going to set these together with a single plain white fabric.
Fairy Lights project bag
This will probably be the last jumbo project bag I make for a little while. I need to make some large ones, and possibly a few medium ones too, but the huge projects are all ensconced in their own jumbo bags now. One of the interesting things about this fabric is that some of the… Continue reading Fairy Lights project bag
Pine cones project bag
I just loved both of the pine cones fabrics here. They have a wintry feel on the feature fabric. While the interior fabric may have been better quilted in straight lines than diagonal crosses (since it is more obvious when I haven’t sewn straight because the fabric pattern is on the diagonal), I still really… Continue reading Pine cones project bag
Using more Tula fabrics
Continuing in my resolution to actually use my ‘precious’ Tula stash, I decided to make another project bag out of some of my oldest (and long out of print) pieces from the Saltwater and Moonshine collections. These actually go together quite well, and I love the softness of them compared to some of her newer… Continue reading Using more Tula fabrics