Ups Enjoying my knitting and crochet projects thoroughly. I feel like this “season” of life is contentment with my knitting, and stretching myself just a bit in improving different knitting skills. We went shopping the other day to a couple of yarn stores in the area, and I thoroughly enjoyed getting to touch and see… Continue reading Spring ups and downs
Category: Crochet
Two rows left
I’ve managed to crochet a few more granny squares and attach them to my blanket, so I’ve now completed row 18 of 20. Two left until the border!
Back to Susan Bates
I had been using my newer Clover Amour crochet hook to make the little granny squares (and attach them to my blanket) since my major vision issues began. I do like the hook itself, but the way I hold it is like a pencil, and that rubberized grip has really been irritating my skin on… Continue reading Back to Susan Bates
16 rows complete
The most recently added row is the one on the bottom of the photo (with all the ends left waiting to be woven in). I have crocheted some more little squares. They’re slightly different sizes because some are more light fingering and some are more heavy fingering, but it will all even out when they’re… Continue reading 16 rows complete
Blanket progress-75%
I was down to 3 squares remaining to be at three quarters completion on my sock scraps granny square afghan, so I carried it with me to a recent Panera outing with my friend Sallie. While we sat and chatted, I was able to add 7 more squares. I’d like to go ahead and get… Continue reading Blanket progress-75%