
Wanting to use already cut strips, if possible, I got sidetracked again by having to sort strips from multiple storage containers in order to determine whether I had enough of a particular strip/squares to complete a block. Side note: while I had sorted some of the smaller strip widths previously, I had never sorted this… Continue reading Sidetracked

Home Retreat

Since I retired at the beginning of the year, it feels like I’m on a really long quilting retreat at home. I get up and exercise and stretch, eat and do my morning devotional, then attend to anything that needs my attention (getting everything in order is a longer process than you might think). And… Continue reading Home Retreat

Ahead of February

This one seems like a Valentine’s Day block with all of the red. I really like it, and it came together very quickly without much of the hemming and hawing that I sometimes have when picking out coordinating fabrics.