I finished my One and Done shawl. I haven’t washed and blocked it yet, so there isn’t much to see other than a jumble of yarn. I’ll get that done soon so I can wear it to church (when we get to go back to church, that is).
I’ve been waiting to finish that before starting my next knitted shawl project. I’ve had it kitted up since before the One and Done shawl, but that jumped ahead in the list, since it involved only one skein of yarn, was a simple pattern, and used a colorway I’ve really wanted to see knitted into something because it was so pretty in the skein.
So now that it’s all done but the washing and blocking, I granted myself permission to start Protest is Patriotic. It seems like an appropriate time, with everything – and I do mean everything – that’s going on in our cities, our states, our country. I’d like to have it finished in time for Independence Day, but we’ll see – I have a lot going on! It is, of course, red, white, and blue. I decided not to use white yarn in the blue section – I substituted some square beads I had instead. The colors are really nice and rich.

And now for something older. I had to dig out another project I haven’t worked on in a while because it contained the crochet hook I use to attach beads to knitting. So, as you could probably guess – it has beads too! And cables. And lace. It has a little of everything. The beads are very visible in person, but it’s hard to photograph them – the sparkle and shine of the iris or a/b finish just doesn’t capture well. Anyway, here is my Sojourn Falls Scarf.

I added three more repeats to it the other night, and plan to work on it some more because it really is pretty and will be a great accessory when finished. I just have to plan my time when working on it to make sure I can finish the 6-row repeat. I should be able to figure out where I am if I had to put it down in the middle of the repeat, but it’s just easier that way.