Clouds and a little snow

No, not here, at least not yet — in my Alpine Seasons Mandala! I worked on this and got a lot done. Then realized I was off by a few other stitches and had to rip out and stitch again. If there is one thing I’m learning with this design, it is patience.

It’s not the design. It’s me, totally. I’m working in the middle of four chart pages, and I didn’t feel like printing out those sections (I’d have to use a great big magnifying glass – maybe even a microscope – to see the symbols correctly if I printed them out at one page each).

I may go ahead and enlarge and print those sections anyway, just to make it a little easier on myself. At least I’m able to do that from the electronic file. I really like being able to use my tablet and zoom in on the chart – I can make it as large as these eyes need it to be.

And I don’t think I shared the model for this design. It really is beautiful. Of course, there are so many details that can’t be seen here, but it gives you the overall idea. There are a few over-one areas in the center design, so I expect those to take a while to stitch.

Alpine Seasons stitched model – not mine

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