New shawl cast on

My mom texted me a couple of weeks ago with a picture of some yarn that she found at a thrift shop and asked if I thought I could use it. One of the yarns was some Noro Shinryoku (2 balls) in Color 2. I excitedly said yes to that yarn and couldn’t wait to figure out what to cast on.

That led to buying 2 books I didn’t have but had considered buying several times, Curls and Curls 2 by Hunter Hammerson. They weren’t available digitally so I bought the paperback versions and scanned in the pattern I wanted so I could easily reference it on my tablet.

This design is called Perfidy, and I’m just about through the first ball in the photo. It’s an aran weight yarn, so it is knitting up pretty quickly. I can’t wait to get this one off the needles and block it to see the yarn and pattern truly shine. Right now it is getting all of my attention as I continue to try to get over this sinus infection and keep it out of my lungs.

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