Woven Lanterns version 2

At the June quilting retreat that I attended, Alecia and I both spied some pre-cuts from the Harvest Moon collection of fabric (by Fig Tree Quilts from Moda).

She picked up several charm square packs, and I decided to go ahead and get the jelly roll (2 ½” strips). While they have a Halloween vibe with the color palette used, they aren’t overtly Halloween symbolized. I really liked the designs in the prints as well as the softness of the colors used.

I decided to try a 2″ finished strips version from the 2 ½” strips of the pieces in the jelly roll. Of course, one can’t make a huge quilt from just one package, so I added a couple of borders from yardage I bought from another shop. The lanterns are a mixture of woven sets and non-woven sets of prints. I had a few leftovers, so I’ll just be adding those into my scrap quilts.

I haven’t decided whether I’ll quilt this one myself or if I’ll send it off to be quilted. I have a lot of tops that need to be quilted, and I don’t seem to be making myself make much headway in that direction yet…

Oh, and I got a “promotion” at my “new job”! The group I make charity quilts with on Thursday mornings needed some extra help putting binding on quilts, so I did my first one last Thursday. I look forward to helping in all the ways that I can, and I’m glad that God is using the talents and skills He gave me to bless others!

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