Sand Castles top pieced

I began webbing this quilt top together at the Piecemakers’ Sit n Sew last Friday, and I finished sewing the last seams and stay stitching around the outside of the quilt this week. I just love quilts like this which are what I call “planned scrappy” – it’s definitely made from mostly small scraps, but the blocks are color themed and often have the same fabric in several patches as a unifying element. As my mom said, it’s my “box of crans,” which is how I say the word crayons, and have all my life.

I spent another lovely Thursday morning sewing and making quilts, and then some more time sewing when I got home. I want to sew everything I can, because you never know if I time might come when you won’t be able to sew anymore. I’ve watched several friends go through this now, and it just makes me appreciate all the more the time and ability that I currently have.


  1. This quilt is absolutely beautiful! We so appreciate you sewing with us on Thursday mornings! You are a master at webbing quilts!!

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