New Noro yarn shawl

I have a love/hate relationship with Noro yarns. They are some of the most beautiful yarns that have long color changes, and they look fabulous in shawls.

Also, many are single-ply, thick-and-thin spun, so the yarn notoriously (for me anyway) twists and kinks as I knit it from the ball/skein. For that reason I sometimes hate to work with it. But I love the end products so much, I’ll put up with a lot from Noro. And this yarn is a beauty. I found it at a local yarn shop a friend recently told me about and I finally got a chance to visit. It’s a small shop, but it’s close, and they have a nice variety of yarns. The owner is super nice as well. I’ll definitely be visiting there again soon.

This is the simple, yet elegant Eyelet Triangle Shawl. I’m knitting it with Noro Akari. It’s one of those yarns that feels like it could be worn with anything, dressy or casual.

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