Eyes checkup

I had two eye doctor visits this week – one with the retina specialist, and one with my optometrist.

The retina specialist visit yielded no new information. The retinas look healthy, and there is no more evidence of the cotton wool spots.

The optometrist visit was challenging, as I expected it would be. I had not talked with him since before everything happened, so we did all the usual tests, and I brought him up to speed with everything that has happened since Thanksgiving.

After he looked at everything multiple times, he urged me to move my upcoming cornea specialist appointment to sooner if possible, so I should be seeing him in June. There is a possibility that my central vision blind spots are related to an issue with my corneas and not the retinas, so he feels it’s best to have the specialist check it out. Fortunately, I already have a relationship with an excellent physician there, so I look forward to hearing what he has to say.

Meanwhile, I’ll keep plugging along with what I can do, and praying!

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