DK socks set

Finally, my second sock of the second set of Choose Your House Socks is complete, so I have a new pair to wear.

I had originally started these in April 2021, finished the first sock in 2022 (after a long hiatus), and then another long hiatus before picking the project back up last weekend.

I had a long weekend to myself, while my husband was camping at the NASCAR race in Atlanta (brrr!). I couldn’t remember how far I was on this project, but when I pulled it out, I realized that I hadn’t even begun the second sock. So I got to work on it, and was well on my way the first day.

It took a bit to figure out how many repeats of the pattern I had worked on the first sock, and I guessed at the toe decreases, because I definitely didn’t make any notes about those, but I think they’re approximately the same size and shape. I forgot how quickly DK socks work up – and I’m sure I’ve said before, “I’ll have to make more of these!”

Hooray, a work-in-progress complete!

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