Finding a way to sew

I went for a follow-up with my retina specialist last week, and he told me that the tests show that my retinas are still healing. They will likely continue to heal, very gradually, for another three months or so.

When I asked the doctor about the blind spots in my central vision, he told me that they are likely permanent. He said it was as if my eyes had mini-strokes. But, in the same way that people who suffer from strokes can often adapt and re-learn, my eyes may adapt around these blind spots.

I’ve continued to work on my knitting, and occasionally attempt to sew. Sewing isn’t as easy as knitting, because I really need my eyes for all of it, but I continue to occasionally try nonetheless. I’ve tried my single-vision reading glasses along with the mag-eyes, and have had a little bit of success, albeit for brief periods, as I don’t want to strain and give myself headaches.

As I was going through the room, trying to do some organizing and putting some things away, I happened upon an Ott-Lite in a package that I won at a raffle a couple of years ago. I wasn’t sure where I would use it at the time, as I already had several other larger Ott-Lites, and this was a much smaller, clip-on version.

Well, I looked at the package and, lo and behold, in addition to the light component, it also had and interchangeable magnifier component. So I finally opened the package to try it out.

I can sew slowly for short periods of time using my reading glasses and the magnifier. I may be on the hunt for a slightly larger and more stable magnifier, but for now this gives me hope that my sewing days are not over.

My brother Scott and me, early 2023

I really would like to finish the quilt that I started for my brother, and plan to focus on it when I do sew. I expect it to take a while, but I’m now confident that I will eventually be able to finish it and give it to him – maybe even sometime later this year or early next year.

I’m so thankful, and I praise God for all the blessings He gives. Many times life doesn’t quite go as we’ve planned, but we can be confident that God has a plan, and I am learning to trust in Him more and more as each day goes by.

1 comment

  1. Glad to see that you are able to sew! Makes my heart happy for you! Great picture of you and your brother!

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