This month’s blocks were posted on Edyta’s YouTube channel over the weekend, but I haven’t seen the blog post go up on her site yet. I decided to go ahead and make my blocks, since I wanted a short break from binding – I’m going to have to make about 450+ inches of binding for my other quilt, and I need some dedicated time to work on that.
Block 19, above, was actually the last block I finished. I cut everything out first, and then started piecing them in reverse. I used almost all of the recommended fabrics for this block, but I didn’t have enough of one, so I substituted the middle green in the smaller half square triangles.

Block 20 was an easy block, and I didn’t have to substitute any fabrics (once I located all of them in my stacks of fabrics piled up on my cutting table).

Block 21, the larger basket block was a bit of a pill. First, I cut too many half square triangle units that were too small. Then I cut too many (again) half square triangle units that were really too large. How hard can this be? It shouldn’t be that hard. I finally got it right, and I’m pleased with how they look. I decided to stitch these bias handles down by machine with a straight stitch very close to the edge. They might be visible in this closeup, brightened view. I tried to match the thread color as closely as possible.

Just three more blocks to go, and then the center. I love these colors/patterns/blocks.