I noticed that Edyta released the month 5 blog post and video earlier this week, so I finally got some time yesterday to work on making my blocks for this month. Above is block 13. I’ve made units like those triangle ones before, so I managed to sew them all on the correct sides.

I really like block 14, even though it was a lot of work. I used my new “Tucker Trimmer” ruler to get those four-patch-in-a-square units trimmed to nearly perfect after piecing them a little larger than the pattern called for. The triangles were cut at one of those weird sizes that you don’t have on your ruler (something like 3/16 or 15/16 or the like), so I just went up to the next size I had on the ruler and trimmed these down.

I wasn’t as concerned that my little four-patches weren’t perfectly aligned as I was that I had a quarter-inch seam allowance on each of those sides. Most of them were near-enough to perfect for my taste.

I used Bonnie Hunter’s Essential Triangle tool ruler to make the flying geese units on block 15. I know Edyta created them a different way, but I like the way mine turn out with Bonnie’s ruler, so I stuck with that this time.