So why the rush to get all four months done in a matter of a few days/week? Because I’d really like to be caught up as we move forward, and I think that she will release the instructions for Month 5 soon based on the dates of her previous videos and blog entries.
I had these cut out and ready to piece for my Thursday evening Sit and Sew.
And it took me all night to piece them together. Block 10 is above.
It’s funny, my dad used to say, “your eyes are bigger than your belly” when I’d pile my plate with yummy food and then eat until I had a stomachache. And while I try not to make that mistake now with eating, I tend to think that I can accomplish more in the time frame given than is realistically possible. I had taken this project, plus the leader-ender quilt I have in progress, but I didn’t even get to that because I spent the entire time trying to get these blocks made (using each other as leader-enders). And I still didn’t finish until after 9 p.m.

Block 11 has a yummy yellow-green. And all those half square triangles. I probably didn’t do as nice a job on those as I could have, partly because I was trying to get them done, and partly because I’ve never adjusted the presser foot pressure on the machine I take to Sit and Sew. I purchased it several years ago just for that purpose. I didn’t want to haul around my favorite Pfaff 2046 (especially since I’ve had to take it in several times for service over the past few years), so I bought a Pfaff Passport at a quilt show. They both have the dual-feed IDT system, which I love, but the machines are very different, and the feed seemed to be a bit more loosey-goosey on the Passport than I remembered or was used to on my 2046.
Friday I took the machine out, found the instruction manual, and adjusted the presser foot pressure a bit. It seems to be doing better now, so hopefully that will help the next time I take it to Sit and Sew.

And now I’m up to date on this block of the month! Just in time for her to release the next part – probably this week, ha!