Fixed and complete

It took me part of the afternoon to rip out, rotate, and re-sew the part of the block that was oriented incorrectly. I sewed one side of the border on after that, but then it was time for dinner, and my life group meeting, and after I got home I just wasn’t going to do any more sewing.

I sewed the other border sides on Monday after work, before dinner. I may have just started this fairly recently, but I was more than ready to be done with it and move on to other things. When I have a fabric collection in a jelly roll, charm pack, layer cake, etc., I should probably work with them as quickly as possible. I still like this collection, but I don’t love it like I remember when I bought it. Yes, apparently I’m very fickle.


  1. Just like painting–sometimes you just have to set it aside for a bit. Good job on the correction. Whew. (Maybe the heat got to you!)

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