I’ve washed and blocked it (not aggressively), and it’s probably the largest shawl I’ve made to date. I’m looking forward to wearing it. I’ll probably wear something very plain to really show off the shawl.
Here’s a little closer view of a slice of the shawl from top to bottom.

Hi Melissa, I was just looking at your beautiful shawography MKAL shawl. It’s absolutely stunning!! I love the way you have used the colours and i noticed it had a different edging from the pattern. I wasn’t so keen on the final edging on the shawl. I thought your one worked much better! I have just started on the shawl. I’m at the first section where you make the nine different panels.On panel 3 so a long way to go! I’m really enjoying it and I ‘m certainly learning things that I’ve never even heard of,or done in knitting before! A german short row. Nope never heard of it. Anyway I’m getting on ok using the videos (very helpful). How did you find knitting it and how long did it take you? How are you enjoying wearing it?
Hi Anna, thank you so much! I tried to keep up with the clue knitting at the time, but fell behind because I wasn’t devoting 100% of my time to just that. 🙂 It took me almost a month after the release of the last clue to finally finish with my alternate border. I really enjoyed learning all the different techniques! And I’m very grateful for the videos – they are so helpful. It’s a very large shawl, but the more I knit shawls like these, the more I enjoy wearing them. I receive so many compliments when I wear it! It’s just so striking and so unusual. 🙂